Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dolphin Cruise

There are 17 of us attended this event. Hope everyone enjoyed the trip today.

quiz night questions!!! brought to you by no other than our dearest (=P) ACTiCO(s)

round one 1, australia our 2nd home
1) what is the meaning of the word 'kangaroo'
a) i don't understand/ i don't know
2) what is the 2nd largest religious group and by what percentage
a) buddhism, 2.1% (2006 census)
3)what is common between and emu and the kangaroo
a) both animals cannot go backwards
4) identify me
a) red back spider
5) what does Australia means?
a) The name Australia comes from the Latin Terra Australis Incognito which means the Unknown Southern Land.
6) who is the founder of adelaide?
a) colonel william light
7) malaysian student stand ______ in line of the most number of international students in adelaide
a) 3rd, after china and india
8) Adelaide is known as the city of
a) churches
9) Name all 3 main universities in SA and arrange them from youngest to oldest
a) UniSA 1991, Flinders Uni 1966, Adelaide Uni 1894
10) How many UniSA campus is there?
7, city east, city west, magil, mawson lakes, whyalla, mount gambier, parafields

round 2 who say what?
1) holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the entent of throwing it at someone else, you are the one who get burn
a) Buddha
2) what are the 3 wise monkey saying?
a) hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil
3) ignorance is the night of the mind, a night without moon or stars
4) with our ______ we creat the world - buddha
a) thoughts
5)1) “out of our _____ are born deeds, out of our deeds are born ______ , out of our _____ grow our character, out of our character, we build our ______ “ henry hancock
a)belief, habits, destiny
6) my religion is very simple, my religion is ________ - dalai lama
a) kindness
7) choose a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life
a) confusions
8) heal the world, make it a better place, for you...
a) michele jackson, heal the world
9) for once we are young and free, we've golden soil and wealth to toil, our home is girt by sea
a) national anthem of australia
10) whatever life holds in the store for me, i will never forget these words: "with great power comes great responsibility." this is my gift, my curse, who am i, i'm______
a) spiderman, peter parker

*to be continued*

Saturday, April 17, 2010



We just finished a frisbee game last week.

It was a good sport event and I hope that MOST people had enjoyed it..

 Do you guys want another session?? If yes, when?


Sunday, April 11, 2010


What is Love?情为何物?

A story on True Love Prince and Buddha

What is the most attractive? (six external sense-bases) The Mara and the Nun.

Like + Desire = LOVE

The conditions of Love: Desire, Loneliness, Partnership, Family, Social and Economical Reasons, etc.

LOVE is something to do with ME!

Who do U love the most?

King Pasenadi and his wife.

Love you, means love me.

“My girl friend and I have one thing in common. I love me and she loves me” – an Indian actor.

Be a lovable person

¨ Make-up?

¨ Nice: it’s nice to see U to see U NICE!
¨ Cute = Nice
¨ Love oneself is the foundation of the love of other people, and also the ability to love others.

In Love ~ ~ ~ True love makes one a better and mature person.”

¨ Trust

¨ Mutual respect: stop multitasking and listen when he speaks to me, keep a buffer of silence between us before I speak. Most of all to always smile when I say his name.

¨ Love is selfish and love cannot be selfish.

¨ Love is the capacity to take care, to protect, to nourish.

¨ If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love. If we only think of ourselves, if we know only our own needs and ignore the needs of the other person, we cannot love.

Hai tao Fa shi

hey guys, just something to share with you all. He is one of the master that I really like to listen to his talk. Simple and relevant to our lives. I have his VCD collection in Malaysia and watched it pretty often. Hope that you would like it.

There are more on YouTube..Do check it out if you like this...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Buddhist Comic

Just to share with you all some funny/meaningful comics related to buddhism.

Here is a websiteyou guys might want to look it up